Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Practical ePortfolio

First and foremost, I will definitely use ePortfolios as purely my own personal pleasure. I am a talkative and creative person. There's nothing better than providing me a platform to express myself. I am a photographer, painter, graphic designer, pastry chef, violin name it. Besides, I have a peculiar interest in capturing every moment of my life with my digital camera, especially the variety of desserts I newly invented.Also, I have a habit of posting my food online to share with everyone in the world.I passionately love food and visual presentation. Hence, when I made something successfully, I can't wait to take a beautiful shot of my new invention and announce to everyone about the good news.

This is something similar that I have been doing:

Aside from food, I also love taking pictures of nature and the tip bits of my daily life.

So a photo-ePortfolio will be the best media for me to express my passion. Likewise, I did something similar to the food blog.

(Earlier, it has taken me a while to load the webpage, hope it's still exist for I haven't updated for a long time)

I think using ePortfolios as an expression of one's personal pleasure and passion. First, it is gloabally interactive.It allows me to know the people who have the same in common. Also, I am able to enrich my profile with interactive elements such as video clips, pictures, and audio files. With ePortfolios, my own ideas and passion are no longer restricted to only textual and imagery presentations.

Besides, I am always longing to build up my own deisgner website.ePortoflio will be the best place to start. In terms of the layout, I will want to make a cutting-edge design with flash and other interactive web design tools.

Basically, I love everything that relates to design: product design, architecture, graphic design, fashion design...

this will be an ideal layout for my designer ePortfolio:

Moreover, this ePortfolio not only shows my another personal passion, but also for job interviews and any business opportunities. Since Fall 2008, I have been working part-time as a graphic designer at school. Aside the projects I have been doing in the studio, I also cooperate with some of my friends on-campus to help design things for other companies. With all the experiences I gained at school, ePortfolio will definitely help extend my business outside campus. It also allows me to network with prominent designers on the web, or even look for potential partners to work with.

1 comment:

Scott Lankford said...

25 points. Wow, Elfina, you're lightyears ahead of me already in most areas. That food blog is just an especially, well, delicious idea. And of course everything is so well-designed.

As for using these ideas a eportfolios, the one element I'd say you're missing is outside evaluation plus personal reflection and self-evaluation -- those are both key elements of any eportfolio project.