Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Learning Porfolio

Specifically, if I have to publish an ePortfolio about my learning growth and experience, I will focus on my area in art and design.
Design has been part of my life. Whenever there is something related to design, I can't help to add any experiences to my porfolio. Since high school, I have accumulated a variety of art work ranging from computer graphics to ceramic sculptures. These evidence of artworks not only exhibits my passion in art, but also the progression of my skills as a designer. In my ePortfolio, this section will be a visual gallery of the work I have done from high school till now.

In high school, I designed for school clubs and took several visual art classes to enrich my skills. When I studied at Foothill, fortunately I had a chance working as a designer in a studio on campus.
Hence, I believe I have an all-round skill in terms of this field. The evolution of my growing skills is a positive progression. I can recall how conservative and careful I was when making my own artwork. I was over-stressed by the result, and the quality. I never enjoyed the process. But now I am finally able to break the frame and think out of the box. I realized design is all about craziness, courage, and creativity. The result doesn't matter as long as you can fully express yourself in art. Art is not built upon others' opinion, but my own ideas and enjoyment. I think the progression is a live and dramatic time line. I will like to use flash animations with audio descriptions to present my growth in art. In case I encounter hearing impaired visitors, I will also prepare a textual description on the side.

An evaluation of my learning will definitely be an interactive platform of the creator(me)and the readers. For design, feedbacks from different people are vital for better innovations and breakthroughs. In my ePortfolio, I will create a personalized forum for people to comment on my ePortfolio and art. Of course they can also share inspiring opinions on any topics regarding design. Each opinion will be posted on a place where it looks like a shape of a speech bubble. When a visitor is interested in posting a comment on the forum, they will be able to decorate their speech bubble by using the flash decorations available.

The most excitement of my learning journey in art and design is the process. I will post some video clips about my process of doing an artwork. Besides, I will also illustrate some animations to display how my brain produces those creative ideas.

In terms of exterior, as I explained in my previous post, I will expect my layout will be simplistic yet mysterious.

1 comment:

Scott Lankford said...

25 points. Here again I think the "feedback" could add a whole new dimension to what you've achieved already. I suppose that's a bad pun if you do "designer food" however. If you have "feedback" on a "food portfolio" will there be any leftovers on the plate???
Hmmmm...I wonder if any culinary arts graduates are using eportfolios yet in their job search...